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Embassy of India
Guinea – Fact Sheet


Official Name

Republic of Guinea




245,857 sq. km.


Guinea is divided into eight administrative regions viz. Conakry, Boké, Kindia, Mamou, Faranah, Kankan, Labé & Nzérékoré and subdivided into thirty-three prefectures.


Guinea-Bissau, Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast, Liberia and Sierra Leone. 

Head of State

Lieutenant General Mamadi Doumbouya, President of CNRD, President of the Transition, Head of State & Supreme Chief of Army Staff (Since 01 October 2021)

Head of Government

Mr. Amadou Oury Bah,
Prime Minister, Head of the Government (Since 27 February  2024)

Foreign Minister

Dr. Morissanda Kouyate (Since October 2021)

Time Difference

(-) 5 ½ hours from IST


Muslim 89.1%, Christian 6.8%, indigenous beliefs 5% (2014 est.)

Ethnic groups

Fulani 32.1%; Malinke 29.8%; Susu 19.8%, smaller ethnic group 15%; (2012 est.)


French (official); each ethnic group has its own language.


Guinean Franc (US$ 1= GNF 8602.33) – October 2024


US$ 25.33 billion (Source IMF 2023)

GDP Growth Rate

5.5% (Source IMF and WB Projection 2024)

GDP Per Capita

US$ 1515.2 (Source WB 2022)


8.0% (Central Bank of the Republic of Guinea, BCRG- Aug 2023


15.417 million (IMF 2023 est.)

Age Profile

Age structure: (UNFPA 2024 est.)
0-14 years - 41%; 15-64 years - 56%
65 years and over - 3%

Life expectancy

61 Years (Source WB 2017)


US$ 10433 Million (Source UNCTD 2021)


US$ 4094 Million (Source UNCTD 2021)

Main Trade Partners

China, India, UAE, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Netherlands & Russia


Form of Government

Multi-party Presidential System. However, after coup d’etat on 5 September 2021, the country is run by a transition Government.

Major Political Parties

  1. Rally of the People of Guinea Rainbow (RPG Arc En Ciel)
  2. Union of Democratic Forces of Guinea (UFDG)
  3. Union of Republican Forces (UFR)
  4. Party of Hope for National Development (PEDN)
  5. Rally for the Defence of the Republic (RDR)
  6. New Generation for the Republic (NGR)

National Day

2 October (Independence Day) - 1958

Political Issues

After the coup d’etat on 5 September 2021, the country is run by a transition Government led by Lieutenant General Mamadi Doumbouya, President of the Transition Government & Head of the State of the Republic of Guinea. The ECOWAS and Guinean experts jointly developed a consolidated timetable for the Transition spread over 24 months. Lieutenant General Mamady Doumbouya has said in a public broadcast on state television that the timetable would take effect from 1st January 2023.


India’s Main Exports

Rice (other than basmati), two and three wheelers, drug formulations, biologicals, cotton fabrics, machinery for dairy, other construction machinery, ceramics and allied products, iron and steel, packaging materials, auto components/parts.

India’s Main Imports

Gold, bulk minerals and ores, cashew, vegetable oils, aluminium, products of aluminium, copper and products made of copper, iron and steel, cocoa products, electric machinery and equipment.

Principal Natural resources

Bauxite, Iron Ore, Gold, Precious stone & Diamond

Indian Exports

US$ 631.93 Million (2022-23)
US$ 696.48 Million (2023-24)

Indian Imports

US$ 2082.84 Million (2022-23)
US$ 1385.72 Million (2023-24)

Indian Community

1441 Approx.

Membership of major multilateral and regional associations/ organisations

UN, ECOWAS, AU, OIC, IMO, NAM, Islamic Development Bank (IsDB), Mano River Union (MRU), African Development Bank (AFDB)

Common membership with India in non-UN organisations


October 2024