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The passport applications are accepted in the Embassy between 09.30 AM to 12.30 PM. The time for collection of servicedpassport is between 2.30 PM to 4.30 PM.  Passports are issued within 4 week’s time.

Passport Application, Click here : https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/

Photo Specifications Click here: https://ociservices.gov.in/Photo-Spec-FINAL.pdf

Fee Schedule Click here for Passport fee page

Reissue of Passports on Expiry

Change of Particulars in passport like name/address etc.

Registration of Birth and Issue of Passports to Minors

Duplicate Passport in lieu of Lost/Damaged Passports

Emergency Travel Document


Reissue of Passports on Expiry :Application for Indian Passport should besubmitted online first at;https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/.  After filing the online Passport application form and uploading the photograph and signature, the Print out of the online application needs to be taken and the remaining portion of the application should be completed by hand.  The Application form for Passport should be complete in all respects and the hard copy of the application form along with supporting documents like self-attested photocopies of passport (first page, last page and current visa page), work permit and the fee forpassport is to be submitted in Embassy.

Photos should be as per specifications and any deviation from it will only result inconvenience and delay in granting of passport.

Signatures/Thumb impressions should appear in the middle of the signature box. Females should use their right thumb and males left thumb. Signatures/thumb impressions may be done in black ink appearing within the signature box.  Children below 15 years age can either sign or use thumb impression.

Application for reissue of passport can be made within six months before expiry and up to one year after expiry of the passport.

For proof of date of birth, birth certificate (born on or after 26 Jan 1989) issued by a Municipal Authority or District Office of the Registrar of Births & Deaths must be attached. 


Name Change following Marriage:

  • Attested copy of Marriage Certificate issued by the Registrar of Marriage in India;
  • Photocopy of husband’s passport;
  • Deed Poll or Sworn Affidavit regarding change of name (click here for specimen).

For complete or substantial name change, the applicant should furnish:

  • Prescribed deed Poll/ Sworn Affidavit (click here for specimen)
  • Original newspaper clippings announcing the changein two prominent dailynewspapers both in the country of domicile and in India (one in the area of permanent and the other in the present residence of the applicant).
  • Change of name cases requires reissue of passport.

Change in Address: Documentary proof viz. electricity/water/telephone/gas connection bill, voter’s ID card, ration card, statement of running bank account is required.  If applicant submits only the copy of ration card as proof of address, it should be supplemented by one more proof of address.  In case of a minor, the photocopy of the passports of the parents may also be used as proof of address.

Registration of Birth and Issue of Passports to Minors

Registration of Birth and Issue of Birth Certificate: Parents should register the birth of their child as soon as the birth takes place since the delay in registration of birth causes complications in grant of Indian citizenship and issuing passport to the child.  Online registration became compulsory w.e.f 15.04.2013.  For detailed instructions and registering the birth of the child online, please click the link:  https://indiancitizenshiponline.nic.in/  and then click on Registration of birth of a minor child at an Indian Consulate Under section 4(1) of the Citizenship Act, 1955 

Embassy can only register the birth of the child within one year of the birth.  After one year from the date of birth of the child, registration can only be done with the approval of the Ministry of Home Affairs, which takes considerable time- sometimes years.  Parents are therefore advised to register the birth of the child as soon as birth of the child and in any case not later than the stipulated time of one year.

The online registered application form along with supporting documents like birth certificate issued by the hospital/Registrar of birth, copies of passports and marriage certificate of the parents should be submitted for registering of birth of child.  Click here for Fee schedule for Registration of Birth

Registration of Birth and Issue of Passport to Minors; Registration of birth of the child and application for a Fresh Passport can be done simultaneously for child born within the jurisdiction of this Embassy.  Formalities for applying for passport for minor are same as for reissuing apassport to an adult applicant. Click here for passport application:https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/


Thumb impression of the child has to taken within specimen signature boxes of the application form which should be duly counter-signed by the parents or legal guardian of the child.

In case, one of the parents of the child is unable to sign the documents for any reason like staying away in a different country, the other parent should submit an Affidavit (click here for affidavit) in this regard.

Duly self-attested Photocopies of passports of parents, Resident Permit and Marriage Certificate of parents should be submitted.In case the names of parents in the Marriage certificate and Indian passport do not match, a duly notarized Affidavit should be submitted explaining the reasons for the mismatch. The names in the passports of the parents will be considered as the correct ones for the purpose of issue of passport to a minor.

Four photographs as per specifications given on link: Renewal/Reissue of Passports should be submitted.

The parents should append their signatures on the last page of the form just after the thumb impression of the child has been imprinted.

Click here for :Fee Schedule for Passport and Registration of birth


Duplicate Passport in lieu of Lost/Damaged Passports


Lost Passport; Duly filled in application form along with photographs affixed in the given boxes.  Click here for filing passport application formonline: https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/. Photographs should be as per specifications given in Renewal/Reissue of Passports link.  The form should be signed in original in ink.


Duly completed application form should be submitted with the following documents:

Original Police Report along with English translation of the same duly notarized. Police report should contain all the details of the lost passport (No., date and place of issue), name of the applicant, etc.

Four copies of Personal Particular Form with one photograph each affixed in the box on each form (Click here-Personal Particulars Form ).

Affidavit and an application in plain paper explaining the circumstancesof the loss of the passport.Photocopy of the previous (lost) passport with first, last, and address pages, if available.A letter from the employer certifying conduct of the official.Photocopy of driver license/Identity cards/work permit/stay permit (as applicable).  In case the documents are not in English language, unofficial English translation should be attached.

All the documents should be submitted in duplicate.
Click here for: Fee for Duplicate Passport in lieu of lost passport.


Damaged Passport;Duly filled in application form along with photographs affixed in the given boxes.  Click here for filing passport application form online: https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/. Photographs should be as per specifications given in Renewal/Reissue of Passports link The form should be signed in original in ink.


Duly completed application form should be submitted with the following documents:
Damaged Passport, Copy of Damaged Passport and all other documents required for reissue of passport

The applicant should clearly mention in his application, reasons for the damage.  Click here for: Damaged Passport Fee

A duplicate passport to habitual losers will be issued subject to enquiry.



Emergency Travel Document
Emergency Certificate; An Emergency Certificate, which allows an Indian citizen to perform one travel to India is issued to individuals who have lost his passports or his passport is stolen or damaged and to whom a duplicate passport cannot be issued. This document is issued primarily with the objective of ensuring the applicant's return to India in an emergency. Applicants should fill in the application form at https://embassy.passportindia.gov.in/ and come for personal interview. 

FEE FOR PASSPORT (W.E.F. 01.04.2022)



Note: In addition to passport fee, an amount of GNF 20,000 is levied as ICWF charges on each passport application.



Type of Service

Fee in GNF


Reissue of passport on expiry of old passport - 36 pages with validity of ten year, (also applicable to minors in the age group of fifteen to eighteen years).



Reissue of passport on expiry of old passport - 60 pages having validity of ten years, (also applicable to minors in the age group of 15 to 18 years).



For issue of ordinary fresh passport or reissue of passport of 36 pages for minors below eighteen years of age with validity of five years or till the minor attains the age of eighteen years, whichever is earlier.



Duplicate passport in lieu of lost, damaged or stolen passport (36 pages booklet)



Duplicate passport in lieu of lost, damaged or stolen passport (60 pages booklet)



Replacement of passport of 36 pages having validity of ten years due to changes in personal particulars



Replacement of passport of 60 pages having validity of ten years due to changes in personal particulars



Replacement of passport of 36 pages for changes in personal particulars for minors below the age of eighteen years with validity of five years or till the minor attains the age of eighteen years, whichever is earlier



Replacement of passport of 36 pages having validity of ten years for deletion of Emigration Check Required stamp



Replacement of passport of 60 pages having validity of ten years for deletion of Emigration Check Required stamp




Particulars of application

Fee in GNF


Emergency Certificate



Certificate of Identity




Registration of Child Birth




Issue of Police Clearance Certificate or Surrender Certificate of any other miscellaneous certificates based on the Passport



The Passport fee and ICWF charges should be deposited in the followingrespective accounts of the Embassy:
Name of Bank : Société Générale de Banques en Guinée (SGBG),
Address : Immeuble Boffa, Cité du Chemin de Fer B.P. 1514 Conakry - Guinée

  • GNF Account No. 10000596713 -  Passport Services
  • GNF Account No. 10000596724 -  ICWF charges


Note: The Embassy does not accept Passport fees by Credit / Debit Cards or by personal cheques. No application will be accepted without the bank receipt of the payment of fee.